Running marketing campaigns on a website is a continuous effort to improve conversions. These conversions would help you acquire more purchasing customers with the right strategies. One of such strategies to improve your website performance is A/B testing. This article provides a comprehensive guide on optimising your website for maximum conversions with A/B testing.
What is A/B testing?
A/B testing or split testing is an experimental test that involves comparing two website versions to see which performs better. With this test, you create two versions and show them to two different audience groups. Then, you would analyse their engagement to determine which attracts better conversion. Aside from attracting new customers, split testing can help you improve the user experience for your existing customers. Therefore, it fosters maximum conversion and increases customer retention rate. Different types of A/B testing exist, such as split URL, multivariate, and multipage testing. You need to speak with experts such as ours at Primeclick Media to determine which is best for your business.
How to use A/B testing to maximise conversions
Here are different ways to create A/B tests on your website for maximum conversions:
1. Identify your goals
First, you need to identify your goal for the test. Do you want to increase the conversion rate or click-through rate? You may also want to reduce the bounce rate on your page or lead them to carry out a specific action. You should also identify what element you want to test. It could be the landing page, copywriting, call to action, pictures, or reviews.
2. Gather feedback
After identifying your goals, the next step is gathering customer feedback. This can be through surveys or questionnaires on what changes people would like to see. It can also be a general survey of the preferences of your target audience.
3. Create variations of the page
Based on the information you gather, organise your test ideas on the changes you would make. Then, you can start creating variations of your current website. You can change the images or font size of the call-to-action. You may also change the copywriting entirely or alter the order of the icons. Additionally, you can use different tools for A/B testing to bring your vision to life.
4. Split traffic
Determine your target audience and their sample size for the test. The larger the sample, the better the accuracy of the test. You can then use the test tool to split your traffic. Hence, the different groups view the original page and the variant page. Ensure that your audience can access each page for a more accurate result.
5. Run the test
Choose the type of A/B test you would like for your website and run the test. Allow the test to run for a substantial duration, such as a week or two. Also, ensure you are testing one element of your website at a time for better clarity.
6. Analyse results and implement
After the test, analyse the results using your performance metrics, such as click-through rate. Observe how the audience engages with each page and which performs better. Use these insights and adapt them to your website. If the variation page performs better, you should change your current page.
Optimising Your Website for Maximum Conversions with A/B testing
A/B testing is an effective tool for understanding your target audience and improving their user experience. This would help you drive more conversions for your business. Hence, it is beneficial for both customers and business owners. However, it involves continuous planning and analysis for an optimal result. Consult us for free at Primeclick Media on the best strategies to drive conversions with A/B testing.