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5 Common Landing Page Mistakes and How to Fix Them

A landing page is that page your potential customer gets to after clicking on your email, ad, or whatever medium you use to introduce your offer.

Landing pages are the backbone of any successful marketing and/or advertising campaign. There are two major types of landing pages: 

  • Click-through landing page
  • Lead generation landing page

A “Click-through” landing page is used to offer products and services, shopping discounts, and the like.

While “Lead generation” landing pages are used to collect the contact information of potential customers in exchange for certain rewards. For example, a discount or a free download.

In this article, we will explore the 5 most common lead generation landing page mistakes and how you can fix them.

1. Slow Page Speed

The loading speed is the first thing a visitor notices before exploring the page. Fast-loading and responsive pages will impress visitors.

Many factors can contribute to slow-paced landing pages, like large media files, JavaScript issues, multiple HTTP requests, and many more.

In order to improve the speed of your landing page, you can compress the media files on it.

It is estimated that 53% of visitors will leave a website after it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

2. Demanding Too Much Information

Asking for too much information can dissuade potential customers.

Using lead generation landing pages allows you to collect only the information you need. Hence, visitors would not be burdened with providing a lot of information.

Don’t Miss: 4 Ways To Improve Trust On Your Landing Page

3. Not Being Optimized for Mobile

This is another common mistake that solopreneurs, small businesses, and large websites make. Most people see or read your ad, email, or CTA link on their mobile devices.

If your page is not optimized for mobile devices, your visitors will not have a pleasant experience.

You can fix this by using a website theme that is compatible with desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Also, you should make sure your media file formats are consistent with common screen sizes.

4. Unclear Offer and Call-To-Action (CTA)

Remember, your offer is the only reason visitors are likely to click on your site. You should give potential customers an irresistible offer.

When you do, be sure to emphasize it with a clear call-to-action. If you have multiple or clustered CTA(s) on your landing page, you are doing it wrong!

Your landing page can have more than one CTA. However, you should prioritize them so as not to confuse your main goal. Also, all CTA buttons should have the same text and font. 

5. Not Tracking Your Landing Page

We included this mistake for a good reason. Why? Because, it is the easiest one to make.

As the owner of an e-commerce website, whether you are a solopreneur, SME, or large corporation, you should always track the performance of your landing pages.

You can use Google Analytics to go through traffic reports, observe website user behavior, and measure clicks. If you don’t have the time or resources, we can do it for you.

The Bottom Line

As one of the top Digital Advertising agencies in Nigeria, we have seen repeated landing page mistakes that can affect conversion rates.

You can have the best offer. But what good is it if potential customers do not stay on your landing page long enough?

Aside from the aforementioned, here are other common landing page mistakes to avoid:

  • Broken links
  • Ignoring A/B testing
  • Too little, or too many visuals
  • Too many offers/conversion goals
  • Using your homepage as the landing page for ads
  • Including a navigation menu and footer (distraction)
  • Not backing your offers with social proof and reviews

Looking forward to creating a landing page? Our goal is simple: create landing pages that convert!

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